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Children's Program


How we design the program - We design our program to suit the individual needs and abilities of our students.  To do this, we draw on information from a variety of sources (e.g. current research, enrolment questions, parent input) and from the knowledge and expertise that we possess as early childhood professionals.  The interests and development of our students have a strong influence on our program at Head Start.  Knowing each child as an individual enables us to adjust our environment, activities and experiences to suit the competencies and specific needs of all children accessing our program.  The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG) guide and support programming decision making at this service, and also provides educators with opportunities for assessing, evaluating and reflecting.


Daily Routine - Below is a basic outline of your child's day.  This routine is flexible, depending on the activities and experiences planned, the season, and of course, the weather.  A copy of the children’s Daily Routine is displayed on the noticeboard next to the children’s pockets for your information. 


  • Indoor/Outdoor Play (depending on season)

  • Group Time

  • Small Group Activities

  • Morning Tea

  • Music/Movement

  • Story & Shared Reading

  • Group Time

  • Indoor/Outdoor Play (depending on season)

  • Lunch 

  • Rest Time 

  • Group Time

  • Finish at 2.15 pm


Group Time - Group time is when we incorporate oral language, literacy, numeracy, cooking, gardening, health and physical learning, studies of society and environment and science in a ‘whole class’ setting.  It is during these times when explicit teaching and instruction are delivered, information is shared, and prior learnings are revisited.  Children also work in small groups during this time participating in and/or completing set activities.


Children with Additional Needs and Inclusion - At Head Start, we realise children have common needs, strengths and abilities.  We also realise that sometimes children may have additional needs. Extra support, such as adjustments to programming and to delivery of instruction, modified environments and equipment, are often necessary to ensure we provide an inclusive environment that is effective and developmentally appropriate for a child with additional needs. 

An Inclusion Support Plan may be required for children with additional needs (e.g. diagnosed disability) to ensure every child’s experiences at the centre are positive from the time of enrolment. Successful inclusion of any child depends on the information gained about the child. Please discuss any concerns you may have with your child’s teacher during your Enrolment Interview or as they arise during your child’s time at the centre.


Positive Behaviour Support - Research has shown that children’s behaviour benefits from a positive and consistent approach. This creates an environment where children feel safe and secure, one where they are aware of boundaries and consequences of their behaviour.  At Goodna Head Start, we use the Pathways to Peace© program and 6 Peace Code messages (Speak Kindly, Be Brave, Care for Myself and Others, Find Help, Turn Things Around, Do the Right Thing) that encompass this program.  Staff, in collaboration with families, promote and utilise positive behavioural guidance strategies that assist children in developing socially appropriate and responsible behaviours.  Furthermore, staff positively guide and encourage each child to use safe and appropriate behaviours when expressing themselves.  NO child will be subjected to any form of corporal punishment, punishment by isolation, or other demeaning, humiliating punishment.  Further information in relation to the 6 Peace Code messages will be given to families during the initial few weeks of commencing the program.


Incursions and Excursions - At Head Start, we give consideration to each child’s individual needs when planning excursions (eg. health, behaviour).   Other considerations include weather, number of children, safe transport and frequency of excursion.  As we require a much higher adult/child ratio when leaving the centre (excursion), we often have visitors come to us (incursion).  Special visitors such as the Dentist, Fire officers, Police officers, Ipswich City Council Library and Environmental programs, Cultural displays and performances and the Crazy Scientist Science program will visit Head Start at various times throughout the year.  Any news of visitors coming to the centre or excursions from the centre will be in the newsletter and a notice displayed on the noticeboard.  Your permission will also be obtained before your child attends any excursion or centre based activity. 


Cultural diversity and Gender - As childhood is a time when children develop concepts of identity and self, it is important that all staff, children, families and visitors to the service promote and display positive attitudes toward culture and gender.  Staff at this service model this at all times and positively support children in the group to do the same.  The program’s day-to-day resource’s, play and learning experiences are reflective of the diverse culture within our local community.  By knowing each child as individuals, building positive relationships and consulting with families and the wider community, we are able to incorporate the ‘day-to-day’ living styles of all cultures, not just the special customs and holidays.  This enables us to deliver a program reflecting the needs of all children in the group regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or gender.  Please speak to your child’s teacher if we can support and/or assist your family further with this.


Rest and Sleep Periods - It is a requirement under legislation that children who attend this service are given an opportunity for a period of rest each day.  Families are consulted about each child’s individual needs for rest and sleep in order to maximise continuity between routines at home and Head Start.  Rest time is on beds and is fully supervised.  Sleep is not enforced.  However, all children are encouraged to rest quietly for a short period of time.   Families will be asked to supply a set of cot sheets or single bed sheet for rest time.  Please note, that for Health and Hygiene purposes your child’s sheets will be sent home each week.  Please ensure your child returns their sheets each time on their first day of the following week.


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